Case Study #1

Medical CRM Global Harmonization Project


When the global client first launched its CRM, they allowed the markets the flexibility to customize the system. This ultimately led to 11 different version of the system across 67 markets. This lack of standardization created operational challenges and made it impossible to generate consistent, accurate global reports.

Our Work

10 to 2 worked with the business and technical team to define the standard for the CRM platform to enable accurate global reporting. The team also worked to simplify the platform to make it easier for the Medical Scientific Liasons to use. 10 to 2 facilitated workshops in the markets to harmonize the differences in the platform between the markets and the standard. A change management plan, that included a robust communication and training plan, was implemented to ensure a successful transition.


A single source of truth with the ability to generate trusted global reports. Processes that provided a global standard with minimal and well-defined local customization. Streamlined training and communication and reduced total IT operating and service costs.


Case Study #2

5 Year Strategic Medical Information Department Plan


Our client was charged with the remit to create a Global Medical Information Department from scratch. She needed a strategic plan, organizational design and processes and guidelines for the new department.

Our Work

10 to 2 facilitated the creation of the 5-year strategic plan and the design of the global organizational structure to deliver that plan. We then defined accountabilities, obtained buy-in from upper management and outlined processes required for implementation. We further managed the full implementation by creating a global governance model, job descriptions and training. Lastly, we implemented a communication and change management plan, established the success criteria and measurement systems for continuous improvements.


Established high-functioning global team, with robust governance that provides ongoing resources and support to Medical Information in the markets.


Case Study #3

Global Medical Training Platform


How does the client effectively and efficiently roll out consistent, up-to-date training and on-boarding for field based medical personnel across the globe with limited resources.

Our Work

10 to 2 provided cross functional project management support for the initiative. We worked with the business to define requirements for the new platform by therapeutic area, facilitated screen design workshops and served as the liaison between the technical teams and the business. We further defined and managed accountabilities, participated in system testing and developed communications and training.


The innovative platform was successfully launched in 82 countries within a 4 month project timeframe. The on-line platform now has over 7000 users and is used to build the skills, capabilities and support on-boarding for all the Field Medical teams. It provides interactive and engaging training that allows for the timely and consistent delivery of scientific information and provides support for enhancing role-based skills.


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